"Do what you can, let God do what you can not" Pastor Allen Jackson said this Sunday morning and it hit me like a ton of bricks. Could God had spoken to me through Pastor Allen any clearer? This is exactly to the point what I had been struggling with for the past few months. Doing doing doing and going going going...all to still feel like I didn't and hadn't done enough. There's this voice that's always telling me if I just can't do it all then maybe I'm just not that mom I wanted to be. When I heard those words, it's like God spoke directly to me and said, "Sayward, you are beautifully and wonderfully made and it's time to let me take control of the things you feel like you can't do" Saying "I can't do something" has always made me feel like I was falling short somewhere, not living up to everything I thought I could be. I'm realizing now that having people help gives them the opportunity to do the things they want to do as well. Some times I take away other's blessings and desires because I insist that I can do it all...even though I'm worn down and do it with an ungrateful heart. Hearing those words was the biggest relief, it was like God telling me It's okay to just play with my kids and let the dishes sit in the sink...it's okay the floor has some crumbs on it, rock your baby to sleep...it's okay the house is dusty, read the book you've been wanting to read...it's okay the laundry is piling up...spend some time with your husband. It's amazing the things that "steal" us from our families and how in the big picture how insignificant they can be. I'm pretty sure when I meet God at the gates, he's not going to be asking me how clean my house was or how often I did laundry :)
Thank you God for leading Pastor Allen to saying those words and having me right there to hear them! What an amazing moment it was for me and I pray that I will continue to be reminded of those words over and over again.
Thank you God for leading Pastor Allen to saying those words and having me right there to hear them! What an amazing moment it was for me and I pray that I will continue to be reminded of those words over and over again.
How sweet is that! You are blessed to have realized these things at a time in your life when you can actually do something about it! Some of us can only wish! :) Love you bunches and enjoy these beautiful children! Love you soooo much! mom